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arm length 6.4m or 4.4m
2D head (pan and tilt)
DitoGear Trito electronic control
- set of 3 metal ropes up to 6m
- set of 3 metal ropes up to 4 m
- Threaded rod for weights
- 2x threaded rod holder (for weights)
- threaded rod extension with handle mount
- "L" shaped rod with threaded end (for position adjustment)
- flat bar for adjusting the tap position
- 3x guy lines (2x side, 1x top)
- 6x wing nuts
- end arm with head mounting
- Base, set of 2 parts (frame with 3 tires)
- Tripod connecting the base to the arm
- Main arm (middle)
- End arm for weight application
- 4x front arm